Happy workplaces bring huge benefits…

1 minute read | July 8, 2015

Happy workplaces bring huge benefits not just for the people who work there but organisations too. There has been a lot of talk about happiness in the workplace and it may come as no surprise that people who are happy at work tend to enjoy life more with all the benefits that this brings. Unfortunately the fact is that huge numbers of people are unhappy at work. In Britain more than 50% of employees say they are unhappy at work with around 36% seriously considering leaving their jobs. In the UK it is estimated that work related anxiety and stress cost the economy around £33 billion each year.

So what is the answer?

In this 15 minute I talk with Dr Frank Hanna Co Founder of The Mediation Agency to find out how mediation can help overcome this problem. He shares his thoughts on why the issue of unhappiness such a problem and shares stories how mediation has helped resolve many situations.  
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