Having to or Wanting to.

2 minute read | June 17, 2018

Have you ever noticed how you feel when you are told you have to do something. This may be having to do something at work or at home. When someone says you have to do something, how does that make you feel? For a moment just think about that.  Maybe you feel a tension in your neck or shoulders. Maybe you feel tension in your stomach. Maybe you feel like saying 'who do you think you are telling me I have to do something'. I would suggest that we have all felt the feelings described and many more when someone says we have to do something. Now, what about when you say to yourself that you have to do something. How does that make you feel. Maybe it is just the same as when someone else says something to you. Do you feel the resistance inside of you. Maybe you have an internal argument with yourself? This is something that happens to me when I say to myself that I have to go out and cycle. I argue with myself. It's to cold. Its to warm. You don't have time today.

When we feel we have to do something we feel resistance.

When we want to do something things change. Things change even more when we focus on how good the thing we want to do will make us feel. Using the cycling scenario, things change when I want to go out on the bike. Funny how its not to cold or not to hot. Strange how I have the time when I want to do it. Have you ever noticed you always find the time when you really want to do something? Focusing on how good I will feel after the ride really changes things. Simply changing the inner voice from having to, to wanting to. Then thinking about how good doing the thing you want to do will make you feel makes a real difference to enjoying life.

What do you really want to do?

Maybe it is to stop smoking or vaping? How would that make you feel? What would it give you? Maybe it is to eat more healthier foods? How would that make you feel? What would it give you? Maybe it is speaking to a group at work? How would that make you feel? What would it give you? Maybe it is saying no to that next glass of wine? How would that make you feel? What would it give you?

Life really changes when we want to do something.

Have fun doing the things you want to do, as long as they are legal of course and do not harm anyone including you. Be Happy-Be Inspired.  
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