How do you know?
It was a Thursday evening.
A great evening with friends.
The conversation moved to what we were all doing at the weekend.
Some were going to enjoy a BBQ. Some were visiting friends. I shared the news that I was taking part in the Yorkshire Wolds Cycle.
The challenge is to ride 70 miles per day through the wonderful Yorkshire Wolds.
The following conversation took place.
Friend: I could do that. That's not to difficult, 70 miles a day.
Me: How do you know?
Friend: Well if I only did 10 miles an hour it would take me 7 hours.
Me: How do you know?
Friend: I just know.
Me. How do you know?
Friend: What do you mean?
Me: Have you ever done the Yorkshire Wolds Cycle Challenge.
Friend: No.
Me: Have you ever rode at 10mph for 7 hours.
Friend: No.
Me: So how do you know you could complete the Yorkshire Wolds Cycle Challenge?
Friend: I guess I don't.
Maybe you may have had similar conversations with friends or business colleagues who say they know.
So how do you know you can do something?
You only know you can do something by doing it.
If you are looking for help it is well worth working with people who really know.
Have a brilliant day.